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You can't bury ghosts. Can't outrun them. Best we can do is leave life's reminders of them behind. Was why, one late October morning seven years earlier, with another bone-chilling Philly winter approaching, ex-cop Brad Lovett pointed the Harley south, kept going until the clouds got higher, the wind stinging his face warmed, and in the side mirrors his past dutifully diminished along with the receding skyline. Yet he was to discover even the small Florida town of Rosarey, with little more than 20, 000 souls, came loaded with its own intrigues and dark corners. Beneath the pastel-shaded condos, yacht sails bloated with warm winds and sugar white sands, evil leaks from its sweat-glistened underbelly to spread silently as algae.



Half Moon Road
 ebook ISBN 978-1-909105-07-2


Walking a deserted stretch of Rosarey beach in the wake of a tropical storm you stumble across a washed-up boat laden with eighty million dollars in shrink-wrapped, non-sequential bills and a cell phone containing solely Spanish communications. What do you do?


A dilemma ex-cop Brad Lovett and a handful of disparate beachgoers are faced with one sultry Florida morning. One that leads them into a perilous future co-inhabited by ruthless Mexican cartel lord Ricardo Mendez and a CIA unit neck deep in a highly sensitive covert deal. One that if exposed would unravel with disastrous consequences all the way to the front stoop of the White House. A scenario neither the CIA nor Mendez are prepared to condone.


Under threat from all sides, and with the body count rising, into the mix steps local mobster Anthony Bocho intent on his slice. Brad and the others find themselves traversing a narrowing landscape where the longitude and latitude of danger precisely criss-cross.


Against this life or death backdrop we discover there is more to the beachcombers than is at first apparent.

A high octane crime thriller set between Mexico and Florida's drug ridden underbelly by the co-creator of Fireman Sam, Rob Lee.
A spate of gruesome  serial killings points its dark finger at Florida's establishment in this crime thriller by co-creator of Fireman Sam, Rob Lee.
Blood Road

For PI Brad Lovett, the three-month-old savage killing and castration of televangelist Phil Calhoun symbolised a cold case. Somewhere north of the arctic.


Until one sweltering Florida evening, when the preacher’s genitalia made its unexpected reappearance protruding from the mouth of ritualistically murdered photographer Michael Andre. A macabre killing that would rekindle Lovett's interest, and in doing so, spiral him into a world of depravity and death beyond even an ex-cop’s imaginings.


The growing toll of mutilated corpses - each death linked by the previous victim's genitalia - points an accusing finger 25 years back in time, first to America's most notorious child killer then at others, still living and a lot closer to home. Amongst them, respected members of Coquina County's establishment desperate to leave the past exactly where it is.


A past the killer is determined will have the final say.

A nerve fraying thriller which exposes a sinister secret at heart of government and who's  seeds lay in the holocaust, by co-creator of Fireman Sam, Rob Lee.
Penitence Road

ebook ISBN 978-1-909105-11-9

When PI Brad Lovett receives a cell phone video from reporter and close friend Paul Favre, celebrating a birthday in Pinky's, a New York nightclub, he couldn't know, a week later, Paul would be found dead of a massive heroin overdose. And that two other revellers on the video would also soon be dead, another in hiding, in fear of her life.


Brad travels to New York, where, following in Paul's footsteps, he enters a web of deceit and cold blooded murder as he uncovers a dark secret whose seed lay in Hitler’s death camps decades earlier. Its lengthening shadow threatens to engulf one of America's richest and most renowned entrepreneurs, Sition's  president Jonathon Irwin.


The search for truth draws Brad into deadly confrontation with ruthless corporate power and shadowy government forces.  Against a backdrop of widening conspiracy, the hunter becomes the hunted, and right and wrong is as intangible as a wisp of smoke.

Words Can Kill




Recently fired London crime reported Harry Kinsella is writing his long promised book. Battling alcohol and prescription drug dependency, Harry's hoped for redemption is halted when a plaster cast of a murder victim's head turns up in a London hotel room. The grisly modus operandi, a mirror image of killings in Harry's yet to be published manuscript. A nightmarish pattern that will continue over the coming weeks, bringing the journalist to doubt his sanity.


As each victim turns up in the capital, more and more damning evidence convinces the Met of the reporter's complicity. A Met, who, along with high levels of government and members of the underworld, possess long memories and have every reason to see the maverick crime journalist put away.


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